In Indonesia the protection of witnesses and victims is set in the legislation of the republic of Indonesia No.13 of 2006 on the Protection of witnesses and victims. Institutions that are authorized witness and victim protection institutions are abbreviated with the Agency. Form of protection that can be given Witness and Victims Protection Agency ("Agency") to the witnesses and victims of crime, according to the provisions of Article 5, Article 6, Section 7, Article 9 and Article 10 of Law No. 13 Year 2006 on Witnesses and Victims Protection ("Law 13/2006").
Under the provisions of Article 1 paragraph 3 of Law 13/2006, the Agency is the agency tasked and authorized to provide protection and rights of others to witness and / or victims.
The forms of protection afforded to witnesses and victims Agency can be categorized as follows:
1. Physical and psychological protection: Security and escort, placement in a safe house, get a new identity, and providing medical assistance without a present direct testimony in court, psycho-social rehabilitation assistance.
2. Protection of the law: the penalty relief, and witnesses and victims and the complainant can not be prosecuted by law (Article 10 of Law 13/2006).
3. Fulfillment of the procedural rights of witnesses: Accompaniment, obtain an interpreter, informed of the progress of cases, reimbursement of transportation costs, get legal advice, assistance while living expenses to the extent of protection and so forth in accordance with Article 5 of Law 13/2006.
Law No. 13 of 2006 on Protection of Witnesses and Victims.