Friday, January 14, 2011

Draft state secrets in the eyes of the Press

Regarding the government's plan to legalize a state bill Rahsia a lot of resistance from various elements of society especially the press. for a variety of rubber articles in the bill that would turn off the sovereignty of the people through the banning of the press. This Act threatens democracy. The sovereign is the people that, the greater part of the information is open and only a few! closed. If implemented, this would threaten the press that has developed well.

tolah they RUUnya but not being in the draft created. On the bill was referred to a bill that sanctions violators should be addressed to the holder of confidential information, was also charged to the user. This bill also considered inhibit freedom of the press because in it contains the state budget as a state secret, the prohibition of broadcasting adnya various organizational structures Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the broadcasting ban on members of the military payroll.

This bill is unnecessary because the existing Law No. 14 of 2008 on public information ketebukaan (KIP). in this law is set on what became a state secret. so no need to set the law on state secrets.

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