Friday, January 14, 2011

Rights of the Child From the Mixed Marriage

If you're hit by romance and fall in love with a person and citizen of Indonesia intends to continue the marriage then this is what you should know ...

With the enactment of Law number 12 year 2006 about citizenship, the rights of children born of mixed marriages are no longer terdiskriminasikan. In the latest citizenship law is not recognized therein dual citizenship (bipartide) or without nationality (apartide), citizenship is granted to children in this Act is an exception. This law also stipulates that children born outside of legal marriage solely to provide protection to children who have their citizenship status.

The Law No.12 of 2006, especially in chapter 4 gives an explanation:
1. 4I article explained that the children born in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which at the time of birth is not clear the status of father and mother's citizenship,
2. 4J article explained that a newborn child found in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the father and mother are unknown.
In the second section provides a status of citizenship for children born in the region in the State of Indonesia which is not obvious at birth the citizenship status of his father and mother and unknown father or mother, this is because of the citizenship law adopted the principle of ius solli the basis of place of birth and ius sanguinis apatide Based offspring (no citizenship) and offspring bipatride (having two nationalities).

The principle of Jus Solli give citizenship to children referred to in Article 4I and 4J because He was born in the region and the state of RI Jus sanguinis principle of giving citizenship to the children in question, although the lineage is apatride (memili no nationality and is not known who the father and mother).

Besides ethnic treats like other Indonesian citizens, Law No. 12 of 2006 also made an important breakthrough that is by giving a limited dual citizenship for children of
results of mixed marriages between a foreign citizen before the child is 18 years old and not married

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